Treasurer/Property Taxes
Lynn McCoy
5795 Raucholz Road
Hemlock, MI 48626
(989) 274-0912
All properties in Fremont Township are assessed with one Summer and one Winter tax. The Township Summer tax is payable July 1st and due before September 14th. The Winter Tax is payable December 1st and due by February 28th.
Summer Taxes may be paid online, by mail, by appointment (contact Treasurer) OR at Treasurer McCoy's Residence on the following dates between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (see address in header above) on:
Friday, July 12th
Monday, August 19th
Monday, September 16th (last date to pay summer taxes without penalty)
Winter Taxes and Deferred Summer Taxes may be paid online, by mail, by appointment (contact Treasurer) OR at Treasurer McCoy's Residence on the following dates between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (see address in header above) on:
Friday, December 13th
Friday, December 27th
Monday, January 13th
Friday, February 14th (July deferred taxes are due Feb 14th)
Friday February 28th (last date to pay winter taxes without penalty)
Receipts are marked paid on date received, not by postmark. Check or money order. Unpaid taxes have a late fee - call for correct amount due.
Property Owners can obtain tax information and pay taxes online at
Tax and assessment information is also available online at the Saginaw Area GIS Authority web site at
New Homeowners: If you own and occupy a home in Fremont Township as your legal principal residence, file a homeowner's Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit by June 1st for the summer tax levy and November 1st for the winter tax levy with the Township to claim an exemption from some school operating taxes for the tax year.
Qualifying residents and agricultural property owners may defer their summer taxes until the due date of the December taxes. Taxpayers who filed a summer deferment last year will be mailed an application for this years deferment. New applicants can obtain the applications by calling the Fremont Township Treasurer. To qualify, a household income cannot exceed $40,000. The applicant must also be 62 years of age or older, paraplegic, quadriplegic, eligible service person, veteran, widow or widower, blind or totally and permanently disabled. Taxpayers that farm agricultural real property may also qualify. Please call for more information.
Hardship/Poverty exemptions allow eligible homeowners exemption from paying property taxes. Poverty Exemptions must be filed annually and the owner of the property must be its principal resident. Residents who wish to apply for a poverty exemption should complete an exemption application and submit it to the Supervisor or Board of Review. First time applicants should complete form 5737. Returning applicants may complete form 5739 (which is shorter) for up to three subsequent years. After three years applicants will again need to complete form 5737. If applicants do not file State or Federal income tax returns they must also complete form 4988.
Application for Poverty Exemption (Michigan Treasury form 5737).pdf (first time applicants)
Application for Extension of Poverty Exemption (Michigan Treasury form 5739).pdf (application for annual extension - up to 3 times)
Affidavit that State and Federal Income tax Returns were not filed (Michigan Treasury form 4988).pdf (if applicable)