Building, Electrical Mechanical, and Plumbing Ordinances
Ordinance 2001-04: Fremont Township Administration and Enforcement of Michigan Building, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Codes
Ordinance 2004-01: Construction Enforcement and Construction Board of Appeals
Zoning Ordinances
Fremont Township Saginaw County Zoning Ordinance, Adopted January 2006.
Nine Chapters with two supplements, as amended.
Chapter 1: Miscellaneous Provisions
Chapter 2: Definitions
Chapter 3: General Requirements
Chapter 4: Non-Conforming Uses
Chapter 5: Zoning Districts
Chapter 6: Special Uses
Chapter 7: Off Street Parking and Loading Space Requirements
Chapter 8: Sign Regulations
Chapter 9: Administration and Enforcement
Ordinance 2018-01: Solar Panel Amendment to the Fremont Township Saginaw County Zoning Ordinance (this amendment is a supplement that follows chapter 9)
Ordinance 2021-01: Wind Energy Amendment to the Fremont Township Saginaw County Zoning Ordinance (this amendment is a supplement that follows Chapter 9)
Zoning Ordinance Amendments which have been Adopted and the text incorporated into the body of the existing Zoning Ordinance:
Ordinance 2022-01: General Amendment to the Fremont Township Zoning Ordinance (these text amendments are incorporated into the body of the existing Zoning Ordinance)
Ordinance 2022-02: Solar Farm, Notification Timeframes, and Event Barn Amendment to the Fremont Township Zoning Ordinance (these text amendments are incorporated into the body of the existing Zoning Ordinance)
Ordinance 2023-01: Solar Panel Farm Glare, Noise, and Drain Tile Amendment to the Fremont Township Zoning Ordinance (these text amendments are incorporated into the body of the existing Zoning Ordinance)
Non-Zoning (Police Action) Ordinances
Ordinance 1998-01: Land Division and Landowner Application - Parcel Split
Ordinance 2000-01: Noise Abatement
Ordinance 2001-03: Blight Ordinance
Ordinance 2009-01: Cemetery Ordinance
Ordinance 2014-01: Weed and Grass Ordinance
Ordinance 2019-01: Prohibition of Recreational Marihuana Establishments
Ordinance 2024-01: Confirm Planning Commission
Ordinance Violations and Enforcement
Ordinance 2001-01: Municipal Sanctions for Ordinance Violations
Ordinance 2001-02: Ordinance Enforcement Officer